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Sunday 28 August and Monday 29 August 2022

7th Annual Perioperative Exercise Testing and Training Course (CPET)
In partnership with POETTS (UK)

By virtual learning



This workshop, in affiliation with the Perioperative Exercise Testing and Training Society (POETTS, UK –, brings together UK and Australian experts in Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) with a focus on risk stratification and guiding Prehabilitation  (optimization of modifiable risk factors) prior to major surgery.

​Prehabilitation involves proactive patient management prior to surgery with a comprehensive medical review, exercise programs, smoking cessation, correction of anaemia and nutritional interventions to help cope with the stress of surgery, thereby delivering on the value proposition of Perioperative Medicine.


Join us in learning the essentials of performing CPET, interpreting CPET reports.


Please note that this workshop is running in conjunction with the 2022 Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Austin Health Perioperative Medicine Symposium.



​This workshop, in affiliation with the Perioperative Exercise Testing and Training Society (POETTS, UK –, brings together UK and Australian experts in Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) with a focus on its relevance to the perioperative period especially in the context of risk stratification and guiding prehabilitation prior to major surgery.


Join us for this virtual course in learning the essentials of performing CPET and interpreting CPET reports. 







Dr Adrian Hall, Associate Professor Louis Irving, Associate Professor André La Gerche, Professor Denny Levett, Dr Debra Leung, Professor Bernhard Riedel, Professor Rob Newton, Ms Jess Crowe, Dr Hilmy Ismail and Dr Emily Traer.




Dr Rachel Shanks, Dr Nicolette Holt, Dr Emily Traer, Dr Adrian Hall, Dr Hilmy Ismail, Professor Bernhard Riedel and Associate Professor Louis Irving.




All prices quoted are in Australian dollars and inclusive of GST

Registration Type:

Full Registration $750
Trainees and Allied Health / Nursing Registration $350




Registration for the 2022 CPET virtual course and 2022 Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Austin Health Perioperative Symposium is now open.


All delegates must attend both Sunday and the Monday.








1. Perioperative Exercise and Training Society (POETTS)




Practice Guidelines:

Upcoming international events:


2. POETTS accreditation process:


3. John Carlisle Tutorials:

​Normal CPET:

1.1. Overview: Flow, VO2, VCO2-

1.2. Peak VO2and AT -

1.3. AT - part 3 -

1.4. AT - part 3 -

1.5. Ve/VCO2, O2pulse -

1.6. The 9-panel plot -


Abnormal CPET:



Mortality (Survival) Calculator:


4. Problem Based Learning: Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing - Should I offer this in my preoperative clinic?

PBL CPET and Prehabilitation


5. Prehabilitation Resources

Exercise Prescription:


6. How to write a CPET report
Template examples

7. Best of American Thoracic Society video lecture series



​For further information, please contact the meeting organiser:

Rebecca Hull

Events Officer

P: +61 3 9510 6299

630 St Kilda Road

Melbourne VIC 3004


Join the conversation on Twitter by using the event hashtag #PMAH22

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